Your former self
seems to me
like the chrysalis of the you
before me now
the shed and left-behind,
the name
the photos, of the you
I've come since to know,
more than those relics could represent,
a husk yet brimming
with the possibility
of you
waiting for you to burst
forth in your humor
and light
in your possible self
in your indomitable
in your correct and
recognized NOW,
still a fragment of the loveable you
but nothing I would hold on to
if it casts a shadow on
your current radiance.
for I have loved you both ways now,
and I have seen the difference,
and if I know the difference to me?
The difference to we?
What more is there to see
in you? I await
with every love
in me as bait
to love more the self
you have in you,
and learn to love with more
the self I have in me.