Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Sweep

 The inheritance of 

any of us is dust, and the 

birthright to settle anywhere


the length and breadth from

scalp to toes, 

and the city ordained it wasn't so--

settle your dust elsewhere!

And in the cold of night

surrendered the meager things

of warmth and comfort to so much dust

and scattered belongings and persons

to the winds.

To the winds. When earth was the only home

that man would ever lay his form down,

of earth made and nurtured and all these

scattered dust motes once were enumerated humans

man and woman born. 

Where would they go, these forgotten children of your 

own ribs?

Where would they go, these houseless sparks of life

Once nurtured in human arms and human breasts

to be embraced by asphalt and condemned

by appearances and propriety to 

be embraced by the dust from which they came--

though in their dignity and vulnerability, they are

the same? 

The shame,

to deny a place at the table for those 

upon whom so much has been imposed.

To sweep away with indifference beings of 

dust, but sentience. 

and call it anything but violence. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Field of Yellow, the Field of Blue

 The earth tells the truth

the grain is true

to the soil that nourishes and the water that 

grows it, and in the stem and 

straw tells the tale

of the richness of the place:

the gold rising to the blue of a sky 

untroubled by fear and terror,

though fear and terror 

surely exist. 

I wish your skies so blue,

so clear, 

no trouble could exist even in the imagining,

I wish you fields so golden,

no one there would ever know famine,

Even though this fear is always

in the blood and muscle of our dwelling even in 

the richest time. 

The gnashing of teeth hungry for bread,

the gnawing of stomachs that have not been

lately filled. 

And I wish you would not know the tremor

of the terror by night and the sound

of the deaths you have escaped, but someone else 

surely knows. 

I do not know how to love you, but with 

baleful warnings and my entire heart. 

For if mankind suffers, we suffer all, though our experience

is not the same. 

I am bowed by your courage,

and will always recall this blue sky, these amber waves. 

This nation, made dear to me in a brutal struggle. 

I stand with you, and 

keep you in my greatest esteem. \