Friday, July 2, 2010

This is a poetry blog.

I know that's weird. Poetry and blogging--meh? But I used to write poetry on a regular basis: some of it crap, some of it I'd like to think not especially crappy. But it isn't a form that always communicates an exact message, which is usually the point of blogging. I don't know exactly what I want from this blog, except to write in a way entirely different from what I do in prose, and get back in the poetry habit.

Also, publishing my poetry via the internet is a liberating idea to me. I jot down ideas or lines often, discard things often, save little. But if I do a poem as a blog-post, it's like I've fixed it in amber in a way. I guess if I really hated something, I could delete the post, but it's more effort than tossing out a shopping list with a haiku on the back, you know? But at the same time, I'm self-publishing. I guess that means I'm saying--here's my stuff: judge.

Well, there it is. Here's my stuff: judge.

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