Thursday, December 15, 2022

A Parody with Apologies to Elton John

 Elon wears his ego like a crown:

some people call him genius

at least that's what they say

with degrees from the finest schools around.

Elon, Elon has some money it fluctuates these days. A digital gold Midas on the information superhighway.

He bought Twitter on a whim on a tragic day and the Twitterverse said the site is dead and the flight's begun-- no one pwned or won that day.

And he shall be Elon, in the pose of a bad man, And he shall be Elon, With a longtermist family plan. And he shall be long gone if this site had a backup plan... He still is Elon

Elon tells bad jokes by the pound, he likes to meme all day. Fanboys laugh like they don't know what's getting thrown away.

The genius, wants to go to Mars or Venus, and leave us peons far behind and Earth will be like Twitter, we can watch it slowly die.

He bought Twitter on a whim on a tragic day and the Twitterverse said the site is dead and the flight's begun-- no one pwned or won that day.

And he shall be Elon, in the pose of a bad man, And he shall be Elon, With a longtermist family plan. And he shall be long gone if this site had a backup plan... He still is Elon.

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