Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Black Dog of It

 You must hate your life 

Rilke said--and it's true,

I do.

I would pull myself up by my roots

if I had to

and I have no one but me to be

bad to.


The fury I feel 

is fear: 

a fire trying to make a light

to ward off the dark,

but any random spark

can set ablaze all I hold dear.

I see my black dog and pet him

even knowing he bites.

Both for love, and spite. 


Ten Bears said...

Of late, it's as if I am watching all I hold dear ablaze.

All I've loved, out of spite ...

Tim said...

I am a stranger and this might make it through. Love blog, new to the poetry. But is true and good and haunts me. Thanks. Will follow.