Saturday, November 18, 2023

November 18: Pandora's Pithos

 Hope is the little bit left in the jar

that will get you through the next night--

and maybe one more.

It's the distance you can still go when

the going is hard and

too much of you is too sore.

It's the part of the paycheck you have left in 

the week, and the paycheck before 

your rent is due.

It's the one phone call you know

you can make where someone is going

to pick up for you,

It's the time you have in the twilight

where the doctor stills says "She's just sleeping:

wait and see."

It's the time left on your own clock

wondering if this is all you'll do--

or be.

It's the forgiveness you have for the

people in your life who always 

are getting you mucked up--

And maybe the faith you have in mankind

knowing we're so 

perennially fucked up.

I don't care where you're from

or who you think you are,

but I know we're all just keeping something

left inside our jar.

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