Saturday, November 12, 2011

Brazen Serpent (Vixen's Den)


Turning in all your coils

Feel God is fire

And know

The way up is the way down.

To deny motion is death.

These things happen

To the best of us.

And it is a hard thing

To drown by this anchor,

To be cast aside

By these deaf stones,

To take on the weight

Of so much dust.

And you were always

The best of us.


Bitterness fills your mouth,

But here is sweetness.

There is no way that is not,

You would understand.

It shall be

As written

But it will be hard

For the rest of us.

And you will not be broken,

Not you, the stronger vessel,

Not broken though pierced

Again by the raven

Again by the thorns

Again by the mistletoe

And shot with light.

And darkness fell

Across the best of us.

When it is finished,

Dying is finished,

But motion is eternal

And cannot be denied.

I have remembered you of old

And my heel

Still stings.

Return to your Mother.

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