Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Remembered Fortune Cookie Conversation (Vixen's Den)

I think he meant it wasn't fair

That we all grow old and die

Spending most of our lives

Between hating and fearing

A god so far away we

Don't even see the lines of his face.

At least, I hope that was

What he meant by

"There is no justice in the world."

I almost understood.

But of course I wasn't like that.

I argued.

Believing the world isn't just,

Or isn't fair, is to say there are good people

And bad people.

And some people should be punished,

And others should get good things.

To say the world is unfair is to judge-

It can't be done.

Before I call the world unfair, I look at me.

I'm unfair.

Or at least, it was unfair of me

To argue with him.

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